As you can see video above , it is a experiment done by me before consuming this products. Wondering where to find an effective fat Burnners? I was searching for an effective Slimming drinks for months and finally I got it when I met HEALTH AESTHETIC (HA) body slimming drinks. It was not easy to […]
How to burn fats Everywhere – Jonlivia S+Hotpants
How to burn fats everywhere? A common question i asked almost every day… Somehow, i get no respond because i can't stop myself from eating DESSERT!!! 长期对着电脑,我的肚腩已经可以和厕所的水桶相比了! 悲哀~悲哀~悲哀~ How to burn fats everywhere? 现在,有了这个超有效的瘦身计划,要减几斤,就减几斤! 一个月甩10公斤脂肪不是问题! 美食是抵不住的诱惑…尤其是每次要帮餐厅写café & food review… 对于爱吃甜点的我来说,体重是很大的挑战。 当然,我也曾有过想要持续运动的冲动! 可是,繁忙的课业与事业让我打消了运动的念头。 时间是我最大的盲点。到底怎么克服保持体重的吃呢? 直到我遇上Jonlivia S+ Hotpants! 既然抽不出时间,那就无时无刻的把瘦身器材往身上穿吧! 零负担,随时随地的燃烧脂肪!再怎么吃,都不怕啦~ 游泳,打球,跑步,健身……我们都在用不同的方式追求完美体态。 有了Jonlivia S+热汗裤,我就可以轻松的燃烧脂肪! 轻松简单的穿在身上,这款纯热裤布料不需要电源也能发热,全然的达到燃脂效果。 刚开始为了让我的身体适应,我穿了大约1-2小时。 […]
How to change iphone ringtone without itunes 如何设置iphone铃声?
How to change iphone ringtone without itunes 如何设置iphone铃声? Let's share a JOKE! I've learned to set my iphone ringtone for 6 years and FINALLY, i'm able to change my IPHONE ringtone! Are you kidding me? Nope! Seriously, i always have problem in self study… Well, if i can make it, why can't you? How to change […]
How to look slim instantly – Jonlivia
3 months! 3 months! 3 months! It’s already 3 months when I was keep saying it’s time for me to go for GYM workout! After 3 months, I’m still here, gaining my weight… … T^T How to look slim instantly? It pops up in my mind nonstop… Well, It’s really difficulty for us to squeeze a […]
Skinny Dip Cafe @ Kepong Manjalara
想找个环境不错的咖啡厅?可是不想浪费时间赛车?随便开车到一家环境优美的咖啡厅,最近的起码都要堵个半小时的车。就算找到了还得另附停车费! 位于甲洞的朋友恭喜你们可以摆脱这些烦恼了! 新开张的Skinny Dip 不仅有优美的用餐环境,超速的网线,更重要的是价钱公道而且食物,超!好!吃! 这里的咖啡和环境绝对可以和Publika的咖啡厅媲美!不仅咖啡师帅,厨师赞,老板美,重点是要Sek住荷包多一点! 这里的招牌餐点-The Big Breakfast的特点是他们采用了Truffle oil (松露)下厨,不仅吃得津津有味而且体贴的为顾客的健康着想! Chicken & Crostini 光用言语无法形容它的美味! 厨师今日特别推荐的Rotatouille Soup!好开胃啊~ 太有心思了~这里的厨师常常会推出不同的Chef Recommended 餐点。而这些餐点都不会出现在Menu哦!这么有神秘感的目录,真让人期待啊~ 这里的顾客似乎都特别喜欢他们的Waffle顿时变成了他们的甜点特色! Waffle就吃得多了,不知到抹茶口味的Waffle你试过了没? 香脆可口的Waffle撒上berry & almond再搭配他们独特的cream cheese…就算你再说我胖,我还是要吃! 我是个不择不扣的甜品控!让我最留恋忘返的是他们的Gula Melaka Banana蛋糕!“你一定要试!” 看起来一般,吃起来不凡!爽口的马六甲椰糖搭配香浓的香蕉口味…原来它们可以这么完美! Bel-Swiss Hot Chocolate,它看起来是那么的HOT!重点是Skinny Dip采选了进口的Swisszerland巧克力,不会太甜,恰好的味蕾享受! Extra Information: Western & Italian cuisine (Casual cuisine depends on chef recommended) Dessert Vegetarian foods available Cash & Cards avaliable Air-Conditioner […]
Hello Kitty Orchid Garden @ Singapore
Hello Kitty Orchid Garden – 1st hello Kitty Cafe in Singapore (open 24 hours) Woah! Amazing info to keep you up to date that Hello Kitty Cafe has arrived in Singapore! When a super Hello Kitty fans meet a superman boyfie, this is the reason my man plan a one day […]
Miru Dessert Cafe @ Uptown Damansara
Miru Dessert Cafe It’s a rainy public holiday and finally I visited Miru Dessert Café! The cute little girl is really cute that you can see from their signboard. The “little girl” is so attracting even though rain heavily outside it still make me choose to stop here. Even it’s a rainy day, surprisingly […]
Super Heroes Cafe @ Sunway Putra Mall
Superhero cafe available in Kuala Lumpur I think most of the kids had a great time to become a superhero in their childhood. Pretty sure same as me, but my superhero isn’t wonder woman but my beloved dad. Now, another person appear in my life as my superman and he loves superman so much […]
D’life 蔬食 (Veggie Paradise)
The First Heading Veggie Paradise There’s no man, woman or child on the face of the earth who doesn’t enjoy a tasty beverage. Clean, tasty, real foods do not come processed in boxes or bags; they come from the earth, the sea, the field or the farm. When you adopt a vegan diet, you make […]
Testor Laboratory Cafe & Bistro @ Bandar Manjarala, Kepong
I can still remember how my secondary school science lab looks like. Ofcourse, i miss the time with my friends having experiment with all the science lab equipment such as: measuring cylinder, test tubes…etc. All the screen pops up in my mind when all these name appears. Well, guess what i going to share […]