What is the benefits of consuming birdnest? What is the best time to drink? Any options if i'm lack of time to preparing birdnest? Can a pregnant or confinement mummy consume birdnest? No worries, let me answer your questions and good luck for the birdnest GIVEAWAY!!
Dr. Wu Gultalight Whitening Skincare Series – Effective Skin Whitening Tips in 7 Days!
The first thing people tell me when they saw me after I came back from my last Hong Kong + Macau trip is “Miyaki you look so dark, and your skin look so dull, what have you done during your trip?” I was under the sun for almost all the time for my last trip […]
Canmake Malaysia x Miyaki Lee 🔥GIVEAWAY🔥
Canmake Malaysia new products range has finally launched in Malaysia during March 2019!!! Thanks for having me during the Canmake new products launching in Play Up store, Time Square. I'm glad to withness Canmake Malaysia launched a series of products with the theme of Fairy’s Secretland which included the element of fairy, dried flower, woods and the theme colours […]
How to Shape Your V-Face in 1 Minute!
How to shape your ideal V-Face without surgery?
With this magic pen, you can look “V” in just a minute!
Let’s check it out!
美贵在就算花钱也买不了; 美贵在怎么模仿也模拟不了! 再美的化妆品也画不出自信; 再苗条的身材也走不出魅力; 一个人的自信在于选择,不是“能不能?” 或 “可不可以?” 而是你敢不敢相信你自己? 当我参加马来西亚旗袍小姐选美时… 在选美的其中一个环节就是自我介绍。 我从来不喜欢死背书。 当别人拿着小抄一遍又一遍的练习台词, 当我毫无准备的走上台,然后得到评审团的掌声与肯定, 那一刻的我才真正明白什么是自信就是美! 再美的礼服也比不上自信的一笑, 再闪耀的钻石不比自信来得耀眼! 女人啊女人,如果你穷尽一辈子只为了换来美丽, 其实最美的就是你那无人可取代的自信! 别辜负了你的美,那是最美丽的语言… “美丽和魅力不需要陪衬” 外表不过是自信给的信心罢了… 再美的女神也会有老去的一天, 再帅的男神也会有秃头的一天… 人与人之间能相处的是性格,不是条件… 内涵才是最实在的自信! 只要相信自己,自信不需要任何陪衬, 你也可以成为更好的自己! 这篇文章送给每位勇敢改变,突破自己的女神!