As you can see video above , it is a experiment done by me before consuming this products. Wondering where to find an effective fat Burnners? I was searching for an effective Slimming drinks for months and finally I got it when I met HEALTH AESTHETIC (HA) body slimming drinks. It was not easy to […]
How to burn fats Everywhere – Jonlivia S+Hotpants

How to burn fats everywhere? A common question i asked almost every day… Somehow, i get no respond because i can't stop myself from eating DESSERT!!! 长期对着电脑,我的肚腩已经可以和厕所的水桶相比了! 悲哀~悲哀~悲哀~ How to burn fats everywhere? 现在,有了这个超有效的瘦身计划,要减几斤,就减几斤! 一个月甩10公斤脂肪不是问题! 美食是抵不住的诱惑…尤其是每次要帮餐厅写café & food review… 对于爱吃甜点的我来说,体重是很大的挑战。 当然,我也曾有过想要持续运动的冲动! 可是,繁忙的课业与事业让我打消了运动的念头。 时间是我最大的盲点。到底怎么克服保持体重的吃呢? 直到我遇上Jonlivia S+ Hotpants! 既然抽不出时间,那就无时无刻的把瘦身器材往身上穿吧! 零负担,随时随地的燃烧脂肪!再怎么吃,都不怕啦~ 游泳,打球,跑步,健身……我们都在用不同的方式追求完美体态。 有了Jonlivia S+热汗裤,我就可以轻松的燃烧脂肪! 轻松简单的穿在身上,这款纯热裤布料不需要电源也能发热,全然的达到燃脂效果。 刚开始为了让我的身体适应,我穿了大约1-2小时。 […]